Print the value of EXPRESSION to standard output. A blank line below separates increasing precedence groups. It’s part of core utils so, we no need to install it. expr command to perform calculation :Use the following format for basic calculations. For addition $ expr 5 + 16For subtraction $ expr 5 – 14For division. $ …
Start reading How to perform calculation in Linux using expr command?Author: cobra_admin
We can use the calc command to perform all kind of calculation right from the terminal. Interactive mode $ calcC-style arbitrary precision calculator (version is open software. For license details type: help copyright[Type “exit” to exit, or “help” for help.] ; 5+16; 5-14; 5*210; 10/25; quitNon-Interactive mode $ calc 3/50.6
Start reading How to use the calc Command:calc is an arbitrary precision calculator. It’s a simple calculator that allow us to perform all kind of calculation in Linux command line. For Fedora system, use DNF Command to install calc. $ sudo dnf install calcFor Debian/Ubuntu systems, use APT-GET Command or APT Command to install calc. $ sudo apt install calcFor Arch Linux …
Start reading How to perform calculation in Linux using calc command?We can use the bc command to perform all kind of calculation right from the terminal. $ bcbc 1.07.1Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.For details type `warranty’. 1+23 10-55 2*510 10/25 (2+4)*5-525 quitUse -l flag to define the standard math library. …
Start reading How to use the bc command:As a Linux administrator you may use the command line calculator many times in a day for some purpose. I had used this especially when LVM creation using the PE values. There are many commands available for this purpose and I’m going to list most used commands in this article. These command line calculators will …
Start reading How to perform calculation in Linux using bc Command?Aerc is recommended as one of the best email clients that run on your terminal. It is free and open-source software which is very powerful and extensible and is perfect for discerning hackers. The above-listed command-line or terminal or text-based email clients are the best you can use on your Linux system, but many times, …
Start reading AercLumail is a console-based email client that is developed especially for GNU/Linux with fully integrated scripting and supporting operations upon local Maildir hierarchies and remote IMAP mail-servers. There are many graphical-based email clients for Linux, but comparatively, Lumail designed solely for command-line use only with built-in support for scripting with a real language.
Start reading LumailMu4e is an emacs-based email client that allows users to handle e-mails (such as searching, reading, replying, moving, deleting) very efficiently. The basic idea is to configure an offline Imap client that allows syncing your local computer with a remote email server. Features: Entirely search-based without any folders, only queries.Easy documentation with example configurations.User-interface designed …
Start reading Mu4e“Notmuch mail” is a fast, powerful, global-search and tag-based email system that you can use in your Linux text editors or terminal. Its development was highly influenced by Sup, and it offers performance enhancement to several Sup features. It is not much of an email client, therefore, it does not receive emails or send messages …
Start reading NotmuchSup is a console-based email client that enables users to deal with a lot of emails. When you run Sup, it presents a list of threads with multiple tags attached, each thread is a hierarchical assortment of messages. Sup has got some exciting features and these include: Can handle so much emailSupports fast full-text message …
Start reading SUP