Alpine is a fast, easy-to-use and open-source terminal-based email client for Unix-like operating systems, based on the Pine messaging system. Alpine also runs on Windows, can be integrated with web-based email user agents. It works well for new users and experts alike, hence it is user-friendly, you can simply learn how to use it through …
Start reading Alpine – Internet News and EmailAuthor: cobra_admin
Mutt is a small, lightweight yet powerful text-based email client for Unix-like operating systems. It is feature-rich and some of its remarkable features include: Easy to installColor supportMessage threadingSupport for IMAP and POP3 protocolsDelivery status supportSupports several mailbox formats such as mbox, MH, Maildir, MMDFSupport for PGP/MIME (RFC2015)Multiple message taggingVarious components to support mailing listing, …
Start reading Mutt – Mail User AgentLet’s be honest – the operating system provided by Asus on the eee PC 701 is a bit rubbish. Sure, the games are fun, but for people like me who like to do ‘advanced’ stuff like using a terminal it just doesn’t cut it. Solution: eeebuntu. Eeebuntu is basically ubuntu (with gnome) which has been …
Start reading Installing Ubuntu on Asus eee PC 701Amarok, by default, does not come with the MP3 codecs installed. This is for a variety of reasons that I’m not going to go in to here. To get MP3s working in amarok, or to listen to internet radio, you need to install the libxine1-ffmpeg package. In ubuntu, that means doing the following: sudo apt-get …
Start reading Getting MP3s working on AmarokIf you’re looking to make yourself a GPS navigator on your laptop / PDA / whatever, you can get it set up pretty quickly using an open source GPS navigation package called Navit. For this walkthrough, we’ll make the assumption that you have a GPS receiver connected through serial or USB, and that you’re running …
Start reading Installing Navit from source on ubuntuMySQL comes with a library to make talking to MySQL with C easyish. There are a few things you have to install first, though. I’m using Ubuntu 8.04 for this walkthrough, but things should be similar for other flavours of Linux. Before we start, we have to download the development files required: sudo apt-get install …
Start reading Connecting to MySQL in CThere are a number of ways to add subdomains in apache, but here is the quickest and most basic way to get it done. This example is for Ubuntu 8.04, but may be used on other flavours of linux if you find the correct paths to the files. Let’s say you have a blog on …
Start reading Adding subdomains in ApacheIf you access the same computer through SSH on a regular basis, or want to access a machine through SSH in a script, then you don’t want to have to worry about passwords. Luckily, there is a way to grant SSH access without a password while remaining secure. For a quick and easy fix, download …
Start reading SSH Login without a passwordIf you’re writing a bash script which may take a while to finish, such as a backup script, it’s often useful to have a popup notifying of the completion of the script. This can be done with the kdialog tool. There are a bunch of options for this tool (run kdialog –help-all for details. For …
Start reading KDE Message Box Popup in BashCVS is annoying in that if you want to find out which files have been modified or need updating, you can’t simply use the cvs status command as there’s too much information displayed. In order to make it useful, you really need to filter the output. Note: the following tutorial only works for linux computers …
Start reading List files which are not up to date in CVS