OUTPUT: IMPLEMENTATION OF HYBRID INHERITANCE **** SINGLE INHERITANCE *** Enter 2 values : 2 3 Result is : 6 **** MULTILEVEL INHERITANCE **** Enter 2 values: 4 5 Result is : 20 **** MULTIPLE INHERITANCE **** Enter 2 values : 6 7 Result is : 42 **** HIERARCHICAL INHERITANCE **** Enter 2 values : 8 …
Start reading Inheritance in C++Author: Riyaz Cobra
OUTPUT: Enter an infix expression with (?) at the end: A+B*C-D/E? cur: A stack: postfix: A cur: + stack: + postfix: A cur: B stack: + postfix: AB cur: * stack: *+ postfix: AB cur: C stack: *+ postfix: ABC cur: – stack: – postfix: ABC*+ cur: D stack: – postfix: ABC*+D cur: / stack: …
Start reading C++ Code to Convert Infix expression to Postfix expressionRead students details, calculate the grades of students and export those results to the external text document. OUTPUT: Student name: Anath ID: 1 Mid 1: 100 Mid 2: 90 HWs : 80 final: 95 Total: 93.5 Grade: A Student name: Balu ID: 2 Mid 1: 99 Mid 2: 100 HWs : 0 final: 0 Total: …
Start reading C++ Code to Export Students Details to Text DocumentOUTPUT: ***DEQUEUE OPERATION*** 1_insert at beginning 2_insert at end 3_display 4_deletion from front 5_deletion from rear 6_exit enter your choice1 enter the element to be inserted10 inserted element is10 ***DEQUEUE OPERATION*** 1_insert at beginning 2_insert at end 3_display 4_deletion from front 5_deletion from rear 6_exit enter your choice1 enter the element to be inserted20 insertion …
Start reading C++ Program to Implement Deque ADT Using ArrayOUTPUT: **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:1 Enter an Element:10 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter an Element:20 INSERT AS 1:FIRSTNODE 2:LASTNODE 3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES Enter Your Choice:2 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter …
Start reading C++ Code To Implement Singly Linked ListIn this C++ Program, the user needs to enter a value to start the count down process. Used while loop to repeat the decrement of the count down timer. Used windows.h header file. OUTPUT: 1234567 <br>Set the Number for Count Down Timer :554321Time is over Buddy 🙂
Start reading Print Count Down Timer in CPPHello World is the first program to try, if you want to learn any programming language to understand the structure of the code in that language. Here is the code for Hello World written in C. The Line 1 in the below code shows the comment line. In C, we have Single line comments and …
Start reading C Program to Print Hello WorldArmstrong number is a number, it is equal to the sum of the cubes of each digit in the same number. Let us see an example for Armstrong Number, 153 is Armstrong number 13 + 53 + 33 1 + 125 + 27 = 153 We have very few Armstrong numbers between 1 to 1000, they are, 1, 153, …
Start reading C Program to Find Given Number is Armstrong or NotASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, the following programs prints ASCII value for a given character and all the ASCII values from 0 to 255. ASCII value of A is 65 ASCII value of a is 97 ASCII value of 0 is 48 C program to find ASCII value of a character …
Start reading C Program to Print ASCII values of CharactersPrime number is a number that is divisible by 1 and itself. Example prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17. Output for Prime Numbers: ENTER THE LOWER LIMIT : 2 ENTER THE UPPER LIMIT : 20 PRIME NUMBERS ARE : 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
Start reading C Program to Find the Prime Numbers