OUTPUT: Enter a Number: 145 Sum of Digits of Number: 10
Start reading C Program for Sum of Digits of a NumberAuthor: Riyaz Cobra
OUTPUT: Enter a Number to perform Sum : 258 Sum of Digits of Given Number is: 15
Start reading C Program for Sum of Digits of a Number using RecursionOUTPUT: Enter the Radius of a Circle : 2 Area of Circle is: 12.560000
Start reading C Program to find Area of a CircleArea of a rectangle can be calculated using length * breadth OUTPUT: Enter the Length of Rectangle : 3.2 Enter the Breadth of Rectangle : 4 Area of Rectangle : 12.800000
Start reading C Program to Find Area of RectangleOUTPUT: Enter the Length of Side : 4 Area of Square : 16.000000
Start reading C Program to Find Area of a SquareOUTPUT: Enter Three Values : 10 5 36 36 is Greatest Number
Start reading C Program to Find Biggest among Three NumbersIn this guide, we will show how to switch to another or a specific user account without requiring a password. For example, we have a user account called postgres (the default PostgreSQL superuser system account), we want every user (typically our PostgreSQL database and system administrators) in the group called postgres to switch to the postgres account using the su command without entering a password. By default, …
Start reading How to Switch (su) to Another User Account without PasswordIf you have a HyperSQL (HSQL) database stored in a file, it is often useful to be able to query that database from the command line. This can be done using the following command: By default, user SA with no password will exist for each database file. If the database does not exist, it will be created …
Start reading Querying a HSQL database on the command line with hsqldb-sqltoolThere are many ways in the linux terminal to print the nth word of a given file or output. One way to do this without worrying about tabs, extra spaces or word length is to use awk. With awk, this can be done on one line by using the {print $<n>} syntax. For example, the ps command may print this: To …
Start reading Printing the nth word on each line using awkWith Docker, you can specify the command to run inside the container on the command line. But what if you want to run multiple commands? You can’t escape the && syntax, or wrap the command in quotes, as Docker won’t recognise it. The trick here is to use For example, to run date and whoami in a vanilla ubuntu container, we would run …
Start reading Running multiple programs in a Docker container from the command line