If you’re trying to compile C programs for Linux on an AVR32 architecture, you’re going to have to get the avr32-linux-gcc cross compiler. Note that you can’t use the avr32-gcc compiler, as this compiler makes programs which do not run on an operating system (ie: they talk to the system directly), which will not run …
Start reading Getting avr32-linux-gcc compiler on linuxBlog
Let’s say you have a file type whose contents are in XML format but have a different file extension such as .tim . If you want to edit these files with Vim with syntax highlighting, simply add the following to ~/.vimrc (affects only your Vim environment) or /etc/vim/vimrc (affects everyone’s Vim environment): au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tim …
Start reading Using Vim syntax highlighting on custom file typesIf you’re getting a FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user [username] Error when attempting to connect to postgres as a specific user, chances are you need to change some security settings. Postgresql, by default, only allows you to connect to postgres if the postgres username is the same as your username on the operating system. In other …
Start reading FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user [username] Error – PostgreSQLThe learning curve for LaTeX documents can be a steep one. This step-by-step guide covers installing and setting up the LaTeX environment, and creating and compiling your first document so that you can read and distribute it. Setting up the LaTeX environment A few things need to be installed before we can start creating documents. …
Start reading My first LaTeX documentThere are times when you want to pause a process and continue it later. For example, when a process is using all the computer’s resources and you need to access something or execute something else. This can all be done via the kill -STOP and kill -CONT commands. First you need to grap the pid …
Start reading Pausing processes in ubuntuSome mail servers require you to connect on a certain port. Evolution (the default mail client for the gnome desktop environment) doesn’t have a setting for the server port number. You can set this by adding :[port_no] to the end of the server address. For example, to use the mail server mail.example.com on port 587, …
Start reading Setting the SMTP port number in EvolutionOne of the niceties of linux distros like Ubuntu is that you can ‘mount’ ISO files. An ISO file, or ISO image, is an archive of a CD or DVD. By mounting an ISO file, you can read the data as though you inserted the CD into your computer. Ubuntu will even regard it as …
Start reading Mounting ISO files in LinuxThis is a very specific post about using the £8.97 VGA webcam from Tesco with Ubuntu 10.04, namely with Skype. These instructions might work with other webcams and/or other linux distros, but I have not tested this personally. If this does/doesn’t work for your webcam/distro combination then please leave a comment describing your experiences. Okay, …
Start reading Using the Tesco VGA Webcam in Skype with Ubuntu 10.04There are a number of ways to convert CDs into MP3s in Ubuntu. For me, the best choice is Sound Juicer because of it’s filename flexibility and ability to deal with compilations. Setting it all up is also very simple. Only two packages are required from the repository. They can be installed with the following …
Start reading Converting CDs to MP3s in UbuntuEver jumped onto an Ubuntu server somewhere without knowing which operating system version it’s running? You can find this out with one simple command: lsb_release -a This will provide output like: Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 9.10Release: 9.10Codename: karmic
Start reading Checking the Ubuntu version number