Sometimes in a terminal you want to strip out the first line of output from a command. For example, you may want to generate a list of users which have tasks running using the ps command. This command puts a header at the top of the output. You can remove this header by piping the …
Start reading Ignoring the first line of output in a unix terminalBlog
The Amazon Kindle is a great little device which stores it’s documents unencrypted and unhidden on it’s hard drive, just like you would on your PC. This means you can add and remove documents as though it was a USB drive. It’s that easy. But on Ubuntu when you plug it in, nothing happens. The …
Start reading Using Amazon’s Kindle with UbuntuIn unix, you can pass output from one program to another using the pipe symbol (|). Unfortunately, it only pipes the output from stdout (cout). You can pass the output from both stdout and stderr (cerr) by adding 2>&1 to the end of the command before the pipe, where 1 is the file descriptor for stdout and …
Start reading Piping stderr in unixJapanese, like many other Asian languages, is written using a variety of symbols which are not found in the standard ASCII table. Fortunately, you can include these symbols in LaTeX documents using the CJK package. In ubuntu this can be installed via the sudo apt-get install latex-cjk-japanese command. I’m not sure about Windows, Mac or …
Start reading Japanese characters in LaTeX documentsThere are various reasons you may want to set your IP address to be static, one of these being to reduce boot time by removing DHCP discovery. Doing this in Linux is quite straight forward. If you want to make your current IP address your static address, you can find the details in a few …
Start reading Set a static IP address in LinuxWith Docker, you can specify the command to run inside the container on the command line. But what if you want to run multiple commands? You can’t escape the && syntax, or wrap the command in quotes, as Docker won’t recognise it. The trick here is to use sh -c ” For example, to run …
Start reading Running multiple programs in a Docker container from the command lineint main(){int a=40,b=60,c;c=add(&a,&b);printf(“The Sum is: %d”,c);return 0;}add(int *x,int *y){int z;z=x+y;return(z);}OUTPUT:The Sum is: 100
Start reading C Program Example for Call By Referenceint main(){int a[5]= {5,4,6,8,9};int *p=&a[0];int i; }OUTPUTArray[0] is 5Array[1] is 4Array[2] is 6Array[3] is 8Array[4] is 95 at 26867084 at 26867126 at 26867168 at 26867209 at 2686724
Start reading C Program to Print Elements of Array Using Pointersmain(){int x=65;char a=’a’;float p=6.5,q=9.12;//clrscr(); }OUTPUT: a is Stored at Address 268674765 is Stored at Address 26867486.500000 is Stored at Address 26867409.120000 is Stored at Address 2686736
Start reading C Program to Print Addresses of Variablesvoid main(){int n,r,i,j,k,p,u=0,s=0,m;int block[10],run[10],active[10],newreq[10];int max[10][10],resalloc[10][10],resreq[10][10];int totalloc[10],totext[10],simalloc[10];//clrscr();printf(“Enter the no of processes:”);scanf(“%d”,&n);printf(“Enter the no ofresource classes:”);scanf(“%d”,&r);printf(“Enter the total existed resource in each class:”);for(k=1; k<=r; k++)scanf(“%d”,&totext[k]);printf(“Enter the allocated resources:”);for(i=1; i<=n; i++)for(k=1; k<=r; k++)scanf(“%d”,&resalloc);printf(“Enter the process making the new request:”);scanf(“%d”,&p);printf(“Enter the requested resource:”);for(k=1; k<=r; k++)scanf(“%d”,&newreq[k]);printf(“Enter the process which are n blocked or running:”);for(i=1; i<=n; i++){if(i!=p){printf(“process %d:\n”,i+1);scanf(“%d%d”,&block[i],&run[i]);}}block[p]=0;run[p]=0;for(k=1; k<=r; k++){ }OUTPUT:Enter …
Start reading Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance Using C