
C Program to Find Prime Factors of a Given Positive Number

/Prime factors for a number using c/ include include int main(){int num,i=1,j,k;//clrscr();printf(“\nEnter a number:”);/* enter a positive integer / scanf(“%d”,&num); while(i<=num) { k=0; if(num%i==0) // checks for factor { j=1; while(j<=i) { if(i%j==0) { k++; } j++; } if(k==2) / checks for prime factor */printf(“\n%d is a prime factor”,i);}i++;}getch();} OUTPUT for Prime Factors of a …

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Bit Stuffing Program in C

Bit stuffing is a process of inserting an extra bit as 0, once the frame sequence encountered 5 consecutive 1’s.z include include int main(){int a[20],b[30],i,j,k,count,n;printf(“Enter frame size (Example: 8):”);scanf(“%d”,&n);printf(“Enter the frame in the form of 0 and 1 :”);for(i=0; i<n; i++)scanf(“%d”,&a[i]);i=0;count=1;j=0;while(i<n){if(a[i]==1){b[j]=a[i];for(k=i+1; a[k]==1 && k<n && count<5; k++){j++;b[j]=a[k];count++;if(count==5){j++;b[j]=0;}i=k;}}else{b[j]=a[i];}i++;j++;}printf(“After Bit Stuffing :”);for(i=0; i<j; i++)printf(“%d”,b[i]);return 0;} OUTPUT for …

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Implementation of Queue using Array in C

Implementation of Queue operations using c programming. The Queue is implemented without any functions and directly written with switch case. Easy code for Queue operations using c. int main(){int queue[n],ch=1,front=0,rear=0,i,j=1,x=n;printf(“Queue using Array”);printf(“\n1.Insertion \n2.Deletion \n3.Display \n4.Exit”);while(ch){printf(“\nEnter the Choice:”);scanf(“%d”,&ch);switch(ch){case 1:if(rear==x)printf(“\n Queue is Full”);else{printf(“\n Enter no %d:”,j++);scanf(“%d”,&queue[rear++]);}break;case 2:if(front==rear){printf(“\n Queue is empty”);}else{printf(“\n Deleted Element is %d”,queue[front++]);x++;}break;case 3:printf(“\nQueue Elements are:\n …

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C Program for Multiplication Table using Goto Statement

include include int main (){int n, count;printf (“enter a number to print table:”);scanf (“%d”, &n); count = 1; start:if (count <= 10){printf (“%d*%d=%d\n”, n, count, n * count);count++;goto start;} return 0;} OUTPUT: enter a number to print table:881=8 82=1683=24 84=3285=40 86=4887=56 88=6489=72 810=80

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C Program for Fibonacci Series Using for Loop

include include int main (){ int first = 0, second = 1, third, i, n; printf (“Enter the length of the fibonacci series \n”); scanf (“%d”, &n); printf (“The Fibonacci series is :\n”); printf (“%d%d”, first, second); for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) return 0; }  OUTPUT: Enter the length of the fibonacci …

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C program to Convert Number to Words

The program converts given number to individual digits and print words, the program only prints all the digits of a number in just equivalent words, but it is not a meaningful sentence.  Example input: 456 325 -653 Example Output: Four Five Six Three Two Five please enter valid number The invalid numbers are any special …

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