Prime number is a number that is divisible by 1 and itself. Example prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17. Output for Prime Numbers: ENTER THE LOWER LIMIT : 2 ENTER THE UPPER LIMIT : 20 PRIME NUMBERS ARE : 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
Start reading C Program to Find the Prime NumbersBlog
Prime number have only two factors, 1 and the number itself. The given program in other article shows the code for prime numbers, this program reduces the number of iterations in the for loop to half. This program is exactly same to that code but change in the number of iterations in the for loop. The …
Start reading C Program to Print PRIME Numbers in a Given RangeBinary Search is one of the most efficient searching algorithm due to its better time complexity with O(log N). The working process of binary search is simple. 1. All the elements must be in sorted order. 2. Find the MID element, compare the MID element with given Key. 3. If Key matched with MID, return. 4. If Key is less than the …
Start reading C Program to find an Element using Binary SearchReversing a number can be done in 3 simple steps. 1. Find the remainder using %, you will get the last digit of a number, r = num % 10. 2. rev = rev * 10 + r will append r to rev. After all the iterations, the final reverse number will be saved in rev. 3. Find the remaining number using num = num …
Start reading C Program to find Reverse of a NumberLinear Search is a process of searching given elements in sequential order. Refer the following Articles for the detailed Example for Linear Search Linear Search Algorithm With Example is written in C++ with examples. Java Program for Linear Search C Program to Search an Array Element using LINEAR SEARCH OUTPUT: Enter the number of elements in …
Start reading C Program to Find an Element Using Linear SearchTo find the total number of digits in a number, consider number as a variable called num. 1. divide the num with 10. 2. store the result again in num, and increment the count value to 1. 3. step 1 and 2 repeats until num becomes 0. 4. exit loop and print count value as …
Start reading C Program to Count Total Number of Digits in a NumberC program to reverse a number using Recursion. A function calls itself, is called a Recursion. During the recursion, all the intermediate recursive calls data will be stored in Stack data structure. The stack works with a principle of Last in First out. Flowchart for Reverse of a Number, the flowchart is not based on recursion, but you …
Start reading C Program to Find Reverse of a Number using RecursionC program for addition of Two Integer values num1 and num2 are two integer variables and performed sum using + operator. Output for integer sum: Enter two numbers to Perform Addition:10 20 the sum of 10 and 20 is 30
Start reading C Program for Addition of Two NumbersC program to find the size of an integer, to find the size of any variable associated with any datatype, sizeof() operator will be used. The following program shows the size of short, int, long and long long datatypes. OUTPUT: size of short: 2 size of int: 4 size of long int: 4 size of long long int: 8
Start reading C Program to find Size of IntegerOUTPUT: Enter a Number : 6 6 is a Perfect Number
Start reading C Program to Find Given Number is Perfect or Not