Googler is a full-featured Python-based command line tool for accessing Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search within the Linux terminal. It is fast and clean with custom colors and no ads, stray URLs or clutter included. It supports navigation of search result pages from omniprompt. In addition, it supports fetching of number of …
Start reading GooglerBlog
Wikit is a command line utility to search Wikipedia in Linux. It basically displays Wikipedia summaries. Once you have it installed, simply provide the search term as an argument (for example wikit linux).
Start reading WikitMp3blaster has been around since 1997. Sadly it hasn’t been in active development since 2017. Nevertheless, it’s still a decent terminal-based audio player that lets you enjoy your audio tracks. You can find the official repo hosted on GitHub. Let’s take a look at some of the key features: Support for shortcut keys which makes …
Start reading Mp3blaster – Audio Player for ConsoleThe mpg123 player is a free and opensource fast console-based audio player and decoder written in C language. It is tailored for both Windows & Unix/Linux systems. Let’s take a look at some of the key features: Gapless playback of mp3 audio files.Built-in terminal shortcuts.Supports many platforms ( Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS ).Multiple Audio …
Start reading mpg123 – Audio Player and DecoderMusikcube is another free and opensource terminal-based music player that leverages a collection of plugins written in C++ to provide functionality such as data streaming, digital signal processing, output handling and so much more. Musikcube is a cross-platform music player that can even run on Raspberry Pi. It uses the SQLite database for storing playlist …
Start reading MusikcubeShort for Music On Console, MOC is a light and easy-to-use command-line music player. MOC allows you to select a directory and play audio files contained in the directory beginning with the first on the list. Let’s take a look at some of the key features: Support for gapless playback.Support for audio files such as …
Start reading MOC – Music On ConsoleWritten in C programming language, CMUS is a light-weight yet powerful console-based music player designed for Unix/Linux systems. It supports a wide range of audio formats and is quite easy to navigate once you have mastered some basic commands. Let’s take a look at some of the main features in brief: Support for an array …
Start reading CMUS – Console Music PlayerTo start a session, simply run the http-prompt command as shown. Start with the last session or http://localhost:8000 $ http-prompt Start with the given URL $ http-prompt http://localhost:3000 Start with some initial options $ http-prompt localhost:3000/api –auth user:pass username=somebody After starting a session, you can type commands interactively as shown in the following screenshot. To preview how HTTP …
Start reading How to Use HTTP Prompt in LinuxYou can install HTTP-prompt just like a regular Python package using PIP command as shown. $ pip install http-prompt You will likely get some permission errors if you are trying to install HTTP-prompt on the system-wide Python. It isn’t advised, but if this is what you want to do, just use sudo command to gain root privileges as shown. $ sudo pip install …
Start reading How to Install HTTP Prompt in LinuxHTTP Prompt (or HTTP-prompt) is an interactive command-line HTTP client built on HTTPie and prompt_toolkit, featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting. It also supports auto cookies, OpenAPI/Swagger integration as well as Unix-like pipelines and output redirection. In addition, it comes with more than 20 themes that you can use.
Start reading An Interactive Command Line HTTP Client