Armstrong number is a number, it is equal to the sum of the cubes of each digit in the same number.
Let us see an example for Armstrong Number,
153 is Armstrong number
13 + 53 + 33
1 + 125 + 27 = 153
We have very few Armstrong numbers between 1 to 1000, they are, 1, 153, 370, 371, 407
/*C Program to check given number is ARMSTRONG or not */
int main()
int num,r,temp;
int sum=0;
printf("Enter any number to check Armstrong:");
printf("%d is an Armstrong number",temp);
printf("%d is not an Armstrong number",temp);
return 0;
The trace of Armstrong number:
Loop 1: num!=0 is true
take the digit by digit by using num%10
r= 153%10=3
find the remaining number using num/10, here num=153
num=153/10 = 15 (num replaced with 15)
Loop 2: num!=0 is true
r= 15%10 =5
num=15/10=1 (num is replaced with 1)
sum=27+ (5*5*5) = 152
Loop 3: num!=0 is true
r=1%10 =1
num=1/10 =0 (num is replaced with 0)
sum =152+(1*1*1) = 153
Loop 4: num!=0 is false
terminates loop, and compare this sum with temp value. If both are same, it is an Armstrong number.
OUTPUT: Enter any number to check Armstrong: 153 153 is an Armstrong number