Category: C++ Programs

C++ Code to Convert Infix expression to Postfix expression

 OUTPUT: Enter an infix expression with (?) at the end: A+B*C-D/E? cur: A stack: postfix: A cur: + stack: + postfix: A cur: B stack: + postfix: AB cur: * stack: *+ postfix: AB cur: C stack: *+ postfix: ABC cur: – stack: – postfix: ABC*+ cur: D stack: – postfix: ABC*+D cur: / stack: …

Start reading C++ Code to Convert Infix expression to Postfix expression

C++ Program to Implement Deque ADT Using Array

OUTPUT: ***DEQUEUE OPERATION*** 1_insert at beginning 2_insert at end 3_display 4_deletion from front 5_deletion from rear 6_exit enter your choice1 enter the element to be inserted10 inserted element is10 ***DEQUEUE OPERATION*** 1_insert at beginning 2_insert at end 3_display 4_deletion from front 5_deletion from rear 6_exit enter your choice1 enter the element to be inserted20 insertion …

Start reading C++ Program to Implement Deque ADT Using Array

C++ Code To Implement Singly Linked List

 OUTPUT: **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:1 Enter an Element:10 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter an Element:20 INSERT AS 1:FIRSTNODE 2:LASTNODE 3:IN BETWEEN FIRST&LAST NODES Enter Your Choice:2 **** MENU **** 1:CREATE 2:INSERT 3:DELETE 4:SEARCH 5:DISPLAY 6:EXIT Enter Your Choice:2 Enter …

Start reading C++ Code To Implement Singly Linked List