Category: Uncategorized

How to Use HTTP Prompt in Linux

To start a session, simply run the http-prompt command as shown. Start with the last session or http://localhost:8000 $ http-prompt Start with the given URL $ http-prompt http://localhost:3000 Start with some initial options $ http-prompt localhost:3000/api –auth user:pass username=somebody After starting a session, you can type commands interactively as shown in the following screenshot. To preview how HTTP …

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How to Install HTTP Prompt in Linux

You can install HTTP-prompt just like a regular Python package using PIP command as shown. $ pip install http-prompt You will likely get some permission errors if you are trying to install HTTP-prompt on the system-wide Python. It isn’t advised, but if this is what you want to do, just use sudo command to gain root privileges as shown. $ sudo pip install …

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List IP addresses and network interfaces: Assign an IP address to interface eth0: Display IP addresses of all network interfaces with: See active (listening) ports with the netstat command: Show tcp and udp ports and their programs: Display more information about a domain: Show DNS information about a domain using the dig command: Do a reverse lookup on domain: Do reverse lookup of an IP address: Perform an IP lookup for a domain: Show the local IP …

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File Permission

Chown command in Linux changes file and directory ownership. Assign read, write, and execute permission to everyone: chmod 777 [file_name]Give read, write, and execute permission to owner, and read and execute permission to group and others: chmod 755 [file_name]Assign full permission to owner, and read and write permission to group and others: chmod 766 [file_name]Change …

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System Information

Show system information: uname -rSee kernel release information: uname -aDisplay how long the system has been running, including load average: uptimeSee system hostname: hostnameShow the IP address of the system: hostname -iList system reboot history: last rebootSee current time and date: dateQuery and change the system clock with: timedatectlShow current calendar (month and day): calList …

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Package Installation

List all installed packages with yum: yum list installedFind a package by a related keyword: yum search [keyword]Show package information and summary: yum info [package_name]Install a package using the YUM package manager: yum install [package_name.rpm]Install a package using the DNF package manager: dnf install [package_name.rpm]Install a package using the APT package manager: apt-get install [package_name]Install …

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Directory Navigation

Move up one level in the directory tree structure: cd ..Change directory to $HOME: cdChange location to a specified directory: cd /chosen/directoryFile CompressionArchive an existing file: tar cf [compressed_file.tar] [file_name]Extract an archived file: tar xf [compressed_file.tar]Create a gzip compressed tar file by running: tar czf [compressed_file.tar.gz]Compress a file with the .gz extension: gzip [file_name]File TransferCopy …

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Search for a specific pattern in a file with: grep [pattern] [file_name]Recursively search for a pattern in a directory: grep -r [pattern] [directory_name]Find all files and directories related to a particular name: locate [name]List names that begin with a specified character [a] in a specified location [/folder/location] by using the find command: find [/folder/location] -name …

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Linux Commands List

Hardware InformationShow bootup messages: dmesgSee CPU information: cat /proc/cpuinfoDisplay free and used memory with: free -hList hardware configuration information: lshwSee information about block devices: lsblkShow PCI devices in a tree-like diagram: lspci -tvDisplay USB devices in a tree-like diagram: lsusb -tvShow hardware information from the BIOS: dmidecodeDisplay disk data information: hdparm -i /dev/diskConduct a read-speed …

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